Saturday, June 30, 2012

why did I ever decide to take this course....

I am also taking this course because of online convenience, my love for technology (of course!), and I have a few ulterior motives.  I need 3 more credits of a technology focused English course, and this course will complete my minor requirements.  Also if I am able to monopolize her attention (just for a few moments), I hope to make Dr. Almjeld super-stoked about being on my dissertation committee! (we talked about this once).

I am also hoping that some enlightenment will befall on my parenting techniques, as I help my daughter navigate through her own girlhood.  I need to teach her the importance of developing an identity unaccompanied by negative gender or societal influences.  Like any parent, I want my daughter to strive toward her own personal goals.  If this class provides me with the tools to present mature feminist concepts to a very impressionable young girl, it is best investment that I ever made in our future.

When I was a young girl and woman, not unlike many of us, have been influenced by societal standards.  I have also encountered prejudice and misogynistic treatment.  So, I want to be pro-active and encouraging to girls and young women.  I want to be able to provide some eloquence to my claims of need for equal treatment of men and women, and most importantly be an advocate for confident female generations.

I am also focusing my dissertation on females in technology.  More specifically, how females have been overshadowed and made to feel inferior within technology.  I am hoping that participating in this course will bring me closer to a research question.

I also want to participate in the technology camp, but my daughter is with me during the day.  So if I can find a way to provide care for Jenna, I want to participate with Girlhood remixed.

Friday, June 29, 2012

First time blogging . . .

To be honest, the main reason I am taking this course is because it is online. (  : I live in Alamogordo and the opportunity to forego the drive couldn't be passed up. Additionally, I am  a mother of six children, three of them girls. Their ages range from 21 to 7. The girls are 21, 15, and almost 12.  Much of my parenting has been sheltering my children from what I deem negative influences in the media and other sources. (Yes, it is a subjective call.)  Hmmm, maybe negative isn't the correct term; how about unrealistic stereotypes that don't lead to fulfillment or happiness? (  : Of course I have made mistakes. My oldest daughter accused me of keeping her from popular culture as she was growing up.  I'm still not sure that's a bad thing at a certain age.
Anyway, as a child I remember fighting against the idea of what it meant to be a girl in my time and culture, so I appreciate the term "resisting girlhood" that Dr. Almjeld uses.  I still find myself confronting others' expectations of what my role should be as an adult woman.  While I am lacking in girlhood theory and terminology, I believe I have significant primary and secondary experience in watching girlhood.  I compare my parenting to Jane Goodall and her chimps. (  :  She has become an expert through her years of observation in the jungle; hopefully,  my years in the jungle will provide me with some understanding and insight into girlhood. (Yes, it is a scary and dangerous jungle raising girls.)
I wonder where the cut-off line is between girlhood and womanhood? It can't be sexuality. Little girls are sexualized all the time and the fashion of baby-doll dresses for young adults carries girlhood into their sexuality. Is there a theory or definition that clarifies this?
I'm hoping to participate in the technology camp for this course.  I'm not a strong techie myself, but I believe in empowering girls in technology. (I have a girlhood story related to this back in the days computers were invented, but I'll let it go.) I look forward to meeting all of you!
Colleen Bond

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Welcome to Representations of Girlhood

Hi All-
I am so thrilled we'll be tackling this subject together this summer. In this space, each student will post an original response to readings for the day or prompts I provide. Then, each student should respond to the posts of at least two classmates. I recommend you respond to different folks so you all get a chance to know one another.