Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Girlhood in the future

I was curious if the mores of American culture take precedence over the mores of the culture and community that you live in. That is to say that we all live under a different set of rules depending on the community that we reside in, if we live in a large city like New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago then we have to look at the mores of each of the different sub cultures. Our immediate society will often dictate what is moral and acceptable first and then the mores of the next level and so on. As I was reading about the “ladettes” and how the surrounding society was concerned about their behavior I began to question how females are positioned in regards to mores and the society and culture or sub culture that they live in. I would like to further explore whether young women like the “ladettes” view their standing in their communities, whether they feel as if they are merely carving out their own paths or whether they know or feel as if they are purposely being deviant in order to affect social change with regards to gender roles. I have seen women come from a place of complete oppression and objectification and from a place of being considered chattel, to being respected, independent, and productive members of society. But it has not been easy road and there has been much resistance, even from our own sisters. I have seen this through my own eyes and for every step that I took it seemed as though I was pushed back 2 steps. I see girlhood studies taking us to a place of acceptance and equality without question and without the constructs of our societies and cultures.   

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