Sunday, August 5, 2012

Kegelling? (

Response to (Shade, 2004)…
The website is a commonplace for many relevant girlhood topics. Sort of a judgment free zone that lets its young (female) viewers ask, discuss, and learn about issues that might be awkwardly broached when done face to face. I recognize the site’s value in terms of being a resource for (mostly) young girls needing guidance and support while maintaining some level of anonymity. I bet a significant number of boys have also learned a thing or two from scanning the articles on
When examined through a business lens, the website is a clever way to offer products that appeal to a captive (female) audience; it is populated with banner ads mostly related to fashion, relationships, and of course sex. Regarding sex, clicking on the Health, Sex, and Relationships tab will offer advice to questions such as “Should Guys Also Shave Their Pubic Hair?” and other articles that umm…never mind. Glad I learned about the benefits of doing kegel exercises.

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