Thursday, August 2, 2012


I think the most elemental components of enacting resistance is calling out the offending source and then creating a reactionary force, which is how this video positions itself. I really admired the ways the girls were able to articulate the influences and messages around them concerning their hair and the lightness of their skin. These girls are able to come together in a way that acknowledges the disparages voices and messages they hear and react in a way that is positive and attempts to take back the control of how they should look. I thought it was really interesting when one girl pointed out that being from a people who were displaced against their will, it seems as if she doesn’t have a heritage or a background. We have seen examples of girls trying to create their own reality and in that, their own culture and understanding of their history and how it affects them. I think this video acts a means to regain power over how these girls view themselves and their peers, instead of letting it be dictated by an outside (internalized) group.

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