Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thoughts on “Taking Center Stage"

In her essay, “Taking Center Stage?: Girlhood and the contradictions of femininity across three generations.” Mary Jane Kehily summarizes the different ways of feminism well. She writes this important sentence “Women appear to take center stage in the reconfiguration of labor patterns, consumption practices and gender roles.” This rang true with me. Within my generation I see girls who are keenly aware of their portrayal to those around them. But they also have a strong sense of self portrayal and many have a confidence and a strong sense of identity. Not only that, I think several feel they have an obligation to share their “reconfigured”selves and philosophies within their own communities so as to educate those around them about what girlhood means to them. Some of these things may be; acknowledging self-acceptance; accepting one's sexuality without worrying about the repercussions of the male gaze; exercising the right to enjoy yourself socially even if this means being a “laddette” and drinking too much; setting high goals for yourself in the workplace (perhaps there is a girl out there who would like to be the head of Apple one day, for example). In this way they become active producers of their own culture. In the future I see this type of active production only increasing. I think for sure an e-zine could be launched online for example. In any case the Internet will be the key to this wave of positive mass production in the name of girlhood. Without a doubt, technology will be the key to spreading new notions of girlhood. This is one reason the girlhood remixed camp was such a breath of fresh air; these young women present at camp are starting to think in this type of empowering way now.


  1. Yes Thomas, your key line quote, "women appear to take center stage in the reconfiguration of labor patterns, consumption practices and gender roles” is pivotal to what is happening today. Females have begun to realize their potential and the lost potential from the fact that in years past this was overlooked, hidden, denied, unknown, or for whatever the reason. Our culture is recognizing that our expectations for any gender may be too low. When the attitudes catch up with what girls are indeed doing in the realm of technology and educational goals, it will be a definite victory for equal opportunity.

  2. Thomas,
    You hit a key in that women should have the opportunity and space for self expression without the stigma that may be place on them by their society and culture and their peers.

  3. I love the idea of a woman as head of Apple, or better yet start the next new technology wave.

  4. I agree, more cultural education using technology (which makes it a lot more fun) will be an important way for girls to develop new and more active ways for critiquing and rewriting old notions of girlhood. It was also pleased to see how the tween and teen girls at the remixed camp were beginning to do this important work!
