Monday, July 16, 2012

Commoplaces in Girlhood

My commonplaces are very much different than those of my daughter. For me, my commonplace was in the kitchen cooking with my grandmother or my mother that was my girlhood. It was the feeling of fulfilling my mother’s and grandmother’s wishes that I would become a great cook and a good homemaker. In retrospect they were grooming me to become the kind of girl that would be good marriage material. My girlhood was about following the cultural traditions of my family. Realistically it just made me a girl that would rebel against her cultural ideology that never married but became an excellent cook.
My commonplace in womanhood is my bedroom. I come from a large family and I never had a place to be alone and just think. My bedroom is a place for me to escape. It is neither pink nor is it frilly, it is just comfortable, a sanctuary of sorts. My daughter and granddaughter have different commonplaces than my own.  My daughter grew up in a totally pink world that was heavily influenced by my mother’s cultural ideas, however as she grew up she is creating her own identity and independent thoughts and ideas. My granddaughter will hopefully have a girlhood that will be a positive girlhood, that’s all that I can hope for.  


  1. I definitely agree that a room can be a commonplace for many of us. I spend a lot of time in my office, and I recently convinced my husband to turn it into a little studio with lots of shelf space for my books. Even though my husband and my daughter also use the studio, this place reflects my identity 100%.

    I can relate to you when you say that your mother was trying to mold you a certain way: her way. Sometimes I am guilty of that with my own daughter. Fortunately for her, she is hard headed and reminds me once and a while that we are different and that it is all right for a daughter to be different than her mother.


  2. I love your post and the sentiment and pathos it brings.

    1. Agreed! This is a wonderful post. As an aside, I really wish I was a better cook. I am envious.

  3. Donna-
    I think that the ideas of a woman/girl's room is a huge cultural commonplace. A girl's room speaks much about here but is also expected to look a certain way (posters, pink, hearts, teddy bears). What I like about this post is how you seem to be thinking about personal commonplaces and meanings versus cultural commonplaces.
