Friday, July 20, 2012

Omnitopia? Heterotopia?

It is interesting to see the development of ‘space’ since the writing of this article. There are so many more options for production. With the ever evolving technology, there is an ever evolving virtual space to be produced and reproduced. The statement, ‘they are enacting their own version of convergence,’ shows the way girls now are narrowing a gap in technology. Foucault mention’s the idea of heterotopia which truly represents the multiple meaning making ways virtual sites are creating a conflation of multiple experiences. Today, there is no longer a problem in cost, as the authors mention, “the free home page,” as girls have unlimited access to free space in 2012. But ominously, nothing is free. This is not necessarily ominous as they also learn how to ‘gatekeep’ from unwanted guests. Bring in the parental units to help create awareness. I think that this helps to empower girls in ways that they were previously not allowed: Knowledge of the world. With more information, girls may learn agency early on.

1 comment:

  1. This gets me thinking of Foucault's ideas of discourse as power. What does it mean for girls when they are part of the discourse, producing it rather than consuming it? For Foucault, is there a difference?
