Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Interesting NY TIMES articles on the Sims....

Hey guys,

Just an extra post from me today--I came across some of these articles online, thought I'd share :)

One quote that caught my eye was in the "Welcome to the New Doll House" (first link posted) which says,

 "(Girls) give up their interest in video games around the same time they give up their interest in science and math and that's a real problem because boys use video games to foster an interest in technology, and if girls give that up we're going to continue to see a real gender imbalance in these areas..."



  1. I saw some material on SIMS while I was researching my anno. bib. too. I'm afraid I didn't print it and lost it in the ethernet, but it is a fertile field for research!

  2. Thanks Christine! I love collecting new articles from you brilliant folks!
