Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rock Band Question

Where do games like Rock Band fit into our class gaming discussion? Do you all think that games like Rock Band where music is the focal point are gender neutral? I have never played Rock Band but, it seems to me girls would enjoy it just as much as boys. What do you all think?


  1. According to my daughter (13 years old), it is a game that both boys and girls like to play. I think you are right, music appeals to both genders:)


  2. I personally didn't like Rock Band--but loved Guitar Hero. It seemed that most of the characters on Guitar Hero were guys--but I loved to play regardless!

  3. I love all the Rock Band and Guitar Hero games (though I am crap at both) but I think one way they remained marked somewhat male might be based on who owns the systems needed to run the games. I think certain systems are blatantly targeted to certain genders - Wii seems marked female and XBox for males, for example.
