Wednesday, July 25, 2012 and shift

It's a shame websites like and have shifted from production to consumption sites. We need as many sites as possible where production by and for young women can be created and freely exist unimpeded so that new schools of thought and new messages relating to issues such as girlhood can be discussed and considered. I think once the sites changed their focus and thought of themselves as businesses rather than (for lack of a better term) think tanks, that is where production stopped and consumption began. Because at that point you are looking for advertisers and those ads may carry messages that you have no control over. Thus, the power of those websites is lessened considerably. On top of that you can see that the websites in their new incarnations have struggled to stay relevant. Perhaps this is just the nature of business. What it most definitely is not is an environment where production is considered important. Having a voice and being creative have been trumped by the Almighty Dollar. I would assume that new sites have been created in an effort to regain some of this lost power and bring production back into the discussion. However, my classmates would have a better idea of this than I would.


  1. Thomas,

    We definitely need sites with better, more intelligent content for women. It is sad to see that the great majority of the content in "women sites" is related to beauty product, sex, and entertainment. This situation reminds me of the "reading material" at hair salons, nothing but Cosmopolitan-like magazines.

  2. It's sort of like cool music. Once it gets popular enough to be mainstream it's not as cool anymore. To get more hits, sites like these need publicity and to go public it needs many hands to produce a "product" worth reading but that cuts out girls as producers often. Sort of a catch 22.
