Monday, July 30, 2012

Girlhood remixed

At Girlhood Remixed, I was there to help the girls with the computers, and I also helped with lunch.  I really didn't know what to expect, and I am actually a kinda reserved person.  It was great to meet other classmates that I only know by there moniker online.  Shortly after I arrived, I helped with lunch.  I also volunteered to secure two DVDs for the campers for the night.  I went to Redbox, and found it a little bit challenging to find two new releases rated PG that didn't suck.  The movies the girls requested all fell into the category of rated PG-13 to rated R, and with the knowledge that the campers ranged from 11-13, I couldn't in good conscience choose ratings higher than PG. It really made me realize just how sexualized our culture is, and how young girls are bombarded with it.  Overall, I was impressed to see such a positive girl-friendly environment.


  1. It was nice to finally meet you in person at the camp, Yolanda! Concerning the movies--I was really suprised that Mirror Mirror was a movie that all the girls wanted to see! I heard it flopped in the boxoffice, and to tell you the truth, I thought maybe these girls in the 11-13 age range would be over fairytales, since they seem so tech savvy and are online 24-7--so they have access to other ideas of movies. But, I am glad that even the little 12 year old facebook users were down with such a movie!

  2. It sounds like you had a good experience at the camp too! I was also happy "to see such a positive girl-firendly environment". I really liked that there didn't seem to be any cliques or exclusion of girls.

  3. The campers seemed to all get along with one another and it did seem like everyone was included. I liked that as well.

  4. It was a pleasure meeting you, Yolanda! I loved putting faces to names! It definitely was a positive environment. I was only around during meal times, so saw the same girls eating together each meal. I wish I had been around more, to see these meal time cliques break apart.

  5. I think Mirror Mirror has some great illustrations of what we have been talking about this term.

    Is anyone ever too old for fairy tales? Think Joseph Campbell and "The Power of Myth." (Maybe I am justifying my behavior.) Fairy tales are often female dominated myths as opposed to the prevalent male warrior-heros.

  6. They loved Mirror Mirror (as did I, I hadn't seen it). It's cool that references to the movie ended up in some of the girls' blog posts at the end of the camp.
