Monday, July 30, 2012

Final Paper: The Construction of Latina Girlhood Through Sofia Vergara's Image

Sofia Vergara, the sexy Latina in Modern Family, has become the iconic image of the typical sexy Latina that can get away with the thick accent, as long as she has a nice body to look at. My paper will try to analyze the image of Latina girlhood through Vergara’s image on TV. I propose a focus on the purpose of the construction of this image and how it is perceived by young Latinas. It has been difficult to separate the actress from her character as Vergara tends to portray the same image in the TV commercials she does; therefore, many question if her image has made her a superstar or a super-stereotype. An article I recently read in Forbes magazine made me wonder about her persona and her image on TV. The magazine named her the highest paid female actress on TV, and at the same time discussed her role as a career woman who gets involved in the creation of her image/career. It is obvious that –like Marilyn Monroe in her time— Sofia Vergara is building and creating an image as a commodity; however, many questions remain about her stereotypical Latina image: is she taking the stereotype too far? What about those young Latinas who see her as a role model? Do girls see her as a career woman who has broken the racial glass ceiling on TV, or as the sexy lady they wish to be when they grow up? Could Vergara’s image affect the perception of Latinas in the U.S.? And, most importantly, could this affect young Latinas own perception of themselves?


  1. What a great paper proposal! I am not Latina, but as a female in general, I have such a hard time watching her character on television! I also read that she was the highest paid television star--when I read that I flipped. Why? Why? She is obviously savvy, smart and gorgeous but why not use that for a better role? Or at least give her role more depth? How come so many people hate on Snooki (who seems to be the actual person she is portraying on television) but yet we applaud a woman with her wits about her when she portrays an airhead with boobs? Ughhh society.

  2. It is funny that even though I am aware of stereotypes, I still love this female. On one hand she has taken on the young, hot wife married to an older man who seems to be just a little too stodgy for her. But that is the appeal he has to her. hmm. She is, under it all, very smart and perceptive in her role. Is this another stereotype of the nurturing mother? Is she manipulative in her role. Is she exploring multiple abilities a long with the nurturer? She does confuse my sensibilities as I do see her as a strong woman willing to take on anyone who messes with her family.

  3. I especially like your last question. How does the celebration of this adult woman as a TV icon (Modern Family, TV commercials, countless magazine covers) impact the ways girls see and construct themselves?
