Monday, July 30, 2012

My Girlhood Remixed Camp Experience

Participating in the Girlhood Remixed Camp was a fantastic experience. I was there on the last day so campers were wrapping up their various projects in the morning and then I accompanied everyone to the closing reception after that. I took pictures of the proceedings. First, I must say Jen is one brave soul. I don't think the majority of the campers had gotten very much sleep the night before. So you had lethargic moody teenagers as far as the eye could see. It was on Jen's shoulders to direct these young women into finishing their various projects. Projects included blogging about the meaning of girlhood in the same way we do here; shooting short films with imovie (the clips shown at the reception were phenomenal); recording and uploading podcasts; bonding with one another over the wonders of life and technology. One camper in particular was beyond excited that the group got to go to Dairy Queen for ice cream. Obviously, the camp will affect one camper in another way than it affects another and the point of the camp was not necessarily going for ice cream but this camper was so excited over something that happened hours previously. I believe it was the experience of simply being in a group setting away from home and being able to freely socialize that appealed to this young lady so much.
    The amount of technology these campers were exposed to was really quite staggering. Experience level in these matters ran the gamut. One girl told me she loved everything she participated in and virtually every program and gadget was new to her so she felt she really benefited from that camp. Another girl said she was familiar with all the curriculum presented and was comfortable with everything covered as she had learned about it all from an older brother. I was really pleased to see the comfort level amongst the campers with each other and with the computers and programs therein. To have all that technology at their disposal made me feel really fortunate for them and I left wishing as though I had had an opportunity like this when I was younger to be exposed to so many important learning tools. I enjoyed seeing all the individualistic creativity each girl displayed. I know their families and friends were impressed with their output too.
    Another aspect of the camp I feel a need to address is the fact that Jen had these young women asking themselves important questions about girlhood and their role in society among other things. The act of asking these questions helps these girls have a better understanding of who they are as people. I think Jen is really doing these girls a great service by making them think critically about issues such as gender and social constructions At the same time whether they realize it or not now Jen has empowered these young women to use their creative minds and voices to alert others of their presence and of their identity as well. I had a really great time hanging out with everyone and seeing all the unique projects that were on display. I hope they do another camp next year.


  1. Anyone take or put it up on youtube?

  2. Not sure if Jen has any plans to put up any video.

  3. You are lucky to have had participated in something like this. I had to attend a one-week class at UTEP during the camp, and wasn't able to volunteer. What were the ages of the campers? I would have wanted my daughter to participate in it.


  4. Aw, thanks Thomas! I learned so much from the girls - and from the wonderful volunteers that helped work the camp! And I am so glad the girls liked the DQ trip. Giving them that much sugar was a little risky :)

    And I will be putting the girls' videos on a private wiki or webpage in coming days and will send links to them and camp volunteers.
