Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Butler's gender theory is quite interesting to say the least.  Most interesting is how she refers to heterosexuality and homosexuality as if they were people trying to make their point made.  I view this issue as a bunch of old white haired politicians fighting in a giant room about which type of sexuality is the right one or the more dominate one.  Her perspective makes it seem like the two are trying to prove with sexuality is the more correct one.  I'm also curious as to why she doesn't want to be called a lesbian.  Is it the idea of being labeled that she doesn't like? 

I have never thought of gender being something that one can just pick to be.  I've always thought of it as something that is developed as part of that one person's personality.  To be able to choose gender from one night to the next is a stretch for me.  She implies that if one is a Drag, that they can choose their gender.  I have trouble how she can say this.  Being Drag as of the way I think of it, for myself I automatically think of a drag queen, is to dress in disguise for a set amount of time so that one can act and be another gender.  In no way does this mean that they have chosen to be another gender, merely stepping out of their own gender for the time being.


1 comment:

  1. I think Butler would say that we all are in disguise when it comes to gender. We are all performing - there is no inner gender to reveal. Instead we all choose how to perform our gender as based on - or in spite of - the gender scripts we are provided by society.

    And I think her resistance to labels like lesbian come from her belief that it is impossible to categorize people really, to make rules for how one gender or sexuality is or should be done. There are so many differences in ways people choose to be that trying to lump them into groups is useless.

    Keep with Butler. It's dense reading and it does seem a little dated, but it was so important in the 80s and 90s - when ideas of anything but heterosexual being OK was new.
