Monday, July 2, 2012

My Reasons for Taking This Class

I am Nora Rivera. There are a couple of reasons why I am taking this class. First, because I need more graduate credit hours to be certified to teach dual credit classes in High School. The second reason is simple, because I enjoy online classes as they provide a great opportunity to improve writing skills. I have taken online classes before and find them advantageous not only for the fact that they are convenient, but for the valuable experience they provide to each individual participant. Unlike regular classes –that are usually monopolized by a few students–, online classes allow all learners to participate in discussions without the sometimes intimidating environment of a face-to-face interaction, thus making a more interesting academic dialogue.

Personally, I hope to gain more knowledge in the subject of the feminine discourse and, at the same time, improve my writing skills. I also have a twelve-year-old daughter who could use some well-informed advice in the subject.

I am excited about this class and ready to learn from all of you!



  1. Nora-
    I am so happy to have someone in class that has a daughter the age we'll be talking about. I know you'll have great perspective. Do you teach high school now? I'm betting you'll have some good experience to share from the classroom too.

    1. Hi Jen,

      I am a teacher at a High School in El Paso. I have been a teacher for a few years now, but always teaching other subjects (Spanish, ESL, and Accounting). This upcoming year will be my first time teaching English and I am a bit nervous, but excited about the challenge. I know this class will be very helpful to my professional career and to my personal life! Glad to be here.

    2. "This upcoming year will be my first time teaching English and I am a bit nervous, but excited about the challenge."


      What sort of curriculum will you be using? You are talking English Lit. right? Not ESL, correct?

    3. I will be teaching English IV (High School). Sorry for the late response, I just noticed your comment.

  2. Nora,

    I agree that an online class seems more diplomatic with the opportunity to hear a greater number of voices. I also find myself saying things I wouldn't in a traditional class, and that worries me a little. I have to make sure I stay reined in. Face-to-face classes are still vital for me because I enjoy the body language, inflections, and spontaneous eureka moments.

    I think the course material will be beneficial for us as we learn it as well as pass it on to our children.

    What dual-credit classes are you teaching? I often have HS students in my College 101 classes.


    1. Hi Colleen,

      I do not teach dual-credit classes yet, but my administrators wanted me to take more English graduate-level courses to teach dual credit courses in the future, if needed (I have to take this opportunity because my district is paying for the classes). I teach at an Early College HS in El Paso, and all of our teachers have to be able to teach dual credit.

      I am in a rare situation because I was moved from one department to another, and that is why I don't have all the upper level classes that I need in English (I do hold 2 masters degrees, an MBA in Marketing, and an MA in Spanish). How about you? Where do you teach at? I am excited for this class, it looks like it will be very interesting.

  3. Hi Nora,
    It will be interesting to see what your perspective is on girlhood representations because you do have a 12 year old daughter. I am curious as to whether things have gotten worse since my daughter was 12 (she is 22 now). It was difficult then but when she was going through puberty the women's soccer team seemed to give those girls some 'girl power' changing some of the old ideas about puberty, girls and sports. Thanks, Deborah Bauer

    1. Hi Deborah,

      I like that you mentioned soccer and the empowerment of girls through sports. My daughter has been playing volleyball since she was 8 years old, and I strongly believe that this sport has given her the strength to stand against peer pressure and the "popular kids culture." She still feels insecure and an outcast every now and then, but she goes back to her social circle (her club volleyball team mainly) and everything goes back to normal. At one point she wanted to leave volleyball for cheerleading because she noticed that cheerleaders got more attention, but luckily she changed her mind (nothing against cheerleaders, but this sport wasn't her thing).

  4. Hi Nora,
    I also find that online classes appeal to me for the greater variety in discussions that typically happen in traditional classrooms. I'm also anxious to learn more of feminine discourse and find that your position as a mother of a twelve-year-old girl will be beneficial in our discussions of what we learn as a class. Thanks, Bria.
